He died like a dog': Mary Pearson, 52, sister of Thomas Eric Duncan, who became the first U.S. victim of Ebola. She believes he was allowed to die in revenge for bringing the virus to America.
Reverend Jesse Jackson (left) stands with Nowai korkoyah (center) the mother of Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, as well as his nephew, Josephus Weeks, during a press conference on the day before Mr Duncan died last month. Texas Health announced today that his family will be taken care of as part of the settlement
Texas Health has already apologized to Mr Duncan's family.
The agreement was reached after allegations of wrongdoing and incidents of protocol not being followed, CBS reported. A suit against the Dallas hospital faced long odds due to the state's regulations on malpractice suits that have made it one of the hardest places in the United States to sue over medical errors, especially those that occur in the emergency room, according to plaintiffs' lawyers and legal experts. Duncan, a Liberian national who arrived in the United States, first sought treatment at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in late September, telling staff he had come from Liberia, one of three West African countries hit hardest by the Ebola outbreak there.