Friday, April 7, 2017

5 Most Popular Stories Of All Time!

1.  The Death Of Quincy B
The late Quincy B death touched so many hearts as well as his music. Today, everyone is now playing our Liberian music #RIPPQB 

2.  2 pilots with Madame Ellen J Sirleaf and Commander of AFL
The 1st 2 Liberian Air force Pilots, AFL

3. Miss Liberia Reaction To Arrest Report
Miss Liberia described the reports as barbaric and malicious with no truth to it and the young lady gained so many fans on social media.

4. Lewiz McCathy, Indicted in death of the late Quincy B
Lewiz McCathy, shocked so many fans today with the news. The manager actually recorded the  news live from the police station while he waited for his lawyer to arrive on the scene. two or more hours later the manager was released from the station. 

5. D Boy The Rebel No Subs Diss Record
Hip Hop rapper DBoy had everyone talking about his No Subs diss track. Check out our page for more on the story.

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                                          17 Days left until X MAS.........