Just logged onto the LEA web site and noticed that Scientific name has been officially removed from the list of nominees in the Best Hip-Co Category! Only four nominees are now running for "Best Hip-Co" title instead of five nominees..
Raw Pekin
At this point! I don't think it makes any difference anyway….
Luckay Buckay
Takun JRaw Pekin
At this point! I don't think it makes any difference anyway….
What ever the LEA committee ve decided to do I hope everything worked out for the best, especially for the artist (Scientific)
Let this be a lesson learned for all Liberians! Especially those people who can start the drama or help spread it (Complaining, Pointing Fingers) and then hide! N be on the side watching (spectators n act like they didn't start anything) "I don't want no drama".. Hmmm
If only we all were supporting/encouraging each other from the start, instead of putting words in other people mouths or heads. Maybe Scientific would have accepted that nomination! You never know.. Let this be a lesson please..
If only we all were supporting/encouraging each other from the start, instead of putting words in other people mouths or heads. Maybe Scientific would have accepted that nomination! You never know.. Let this be a lesson please..