Monday, October 9, 2017

Speedo Da Rapper Based In Liberia Rocks New Hairstyle!

Speedo Da Rapper

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My Deepest Sympathy To The Bereaved Family Of Ma Matha Tweh: Rest In Perfect Peace United Nation!

RIPP  Ma Matha Tweh AKA United Nation
UN, Ma Matha Tweh was on the Buduburam Refugee Camp In Ghana during the 90's and was well known all around Ghana & the World for being a trure Hero. Ma you will be miss!RIPP

Please Comment Some Encouraging Words For Us All!

Drill By The Liberia National Police - LNP Before Liberia's Election On Tuesday October 10, 2017!

Liberia National Police - LNP

As part of the LNP preparedness for Liberia's Election On October 10. The Liberia National police today visited four streets within Montserrado. Those street that were visited are:12str,ELWA junction,Freeport with that of Broad & Johnson The police make these stop as part of its exhibition exercise of how to respond to election violence before and after election. Thank God

Moe Photos below:

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                                          17 Days left until X MAS.........