Monday, April 10, 2017

Liberian Musicians United For Weah’s Presidency 2017: Plan Musical Jamboree to Support Weah’s Presidential Bid!

The group is comprised of Liberians musicians from across the world and those residing home including musicians seen in the photo above like Luckay Buckay, Clarence Torr(Dr. C), Harrison Toe (Chillout) and Martin K. Harris (Yookee Bleek). Speaking to newsmen in Liberia, Martin K aka Yookee Bleek said "their decision  is based on the fact that Senator Weah has always stood for them in times of dire need to help". And so the group is beginning with a musical Jamboree on April 15, 2017 to showcase their plight and inform Liberians about why they think Mr. Wear represents their best interest.  According to Dr C, "the program is being organized by a group of musicians in collaboration National Youth League of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). We have come to gather to plan a great jamboree with some of the best artist in Liberia".  With people like Jon Bricks,  etc..

                               What Do You Think?

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                                          17 Days left until X MAS.........