Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Abuse Or Punishment: A Liberian Woman Burns Her Grandson’s Palm As Punishment!

A woman allegedly burnt the palm of her young grandson as punishment for unknown offence in New Kru town, Liberia. Read the report by Amos Sumo, National Assistant Secretary at Liberia National Children and Youth Advisory Board: Now, We must end Corporal punishment!!
Some parents continue to Violet the Rights of children, due to the poor justice system they often walk with impunity. It was reported yester week that a little boy in the Borough of New Kru town was dehumanized by his Grandmother for reason best known to herself.
This is a cross violation of the 2011 Children Law of Liberia, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Maputo Protocol.
We’re calling on the Liberia National Police to launch an immediate investigation into this case.
At the same time, the victim should be seeking medical attention at Liberia’s biggest referral hospital, so as to; save his life.
And also, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Plan International Liberia, and Defense for Children International to collectively support the National Children and Youth Advisory Board in this advocacy for justice.

# We must commit our next President to Protecting the Rights of

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