Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Indonesia's Chain-Smoking TWO-Year-Old, Now Aged Nine, Kicks Habit and Becomes The Star Pupil At His Primary School!

The two-year-old boy who became an international sensation after he was found chain smoking in a remote village has kicked the habit, lost weight and is now the 'champion' of his primary school. Aldi Rizal shot to fame in 2010 after he was discovered in a poor village in Sumatra, Indonesia, puffing 40 cigarettes a day while riding his tricycle. Just two years later the little boy managed to quit with the help of the Indonesian Government providing special rehabilitation, but he replaced his smoking addiction with food and drastically gained weight. Now, at nine-years-old, Aldi has managed to keep away from cigarettes, lose weight and excel at school.

Check out photos of his journey below:

Aldi at age 2:

Aldi At age 8:

Aldi now at age 9:

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