Monday, October 30, 2017

In Monrovia, Liberia: Old Lady Millie D. Zumogar: 102-Yr Old Voter Calls for Peaceful Run-off Election!

Old lady Millie D. Zumogar, 102

The of Liberia’s oldest citizens, old lady Millie D. Zumogar, 102, yesterday called on all Liberians to ensure the peaceful conduct of the pending November 7 run-off presidential election. Mrs. Zumogar voted on October 10, as she had done in many other elections in the country’s political history. In a Daily Observer exclusive interview, the centenarian warned supporters of the two political parties in the run-off, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the governing Unity Party (UP), as well as their sympathizers, against electoral violence. “I am calling on all my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren not to cause trouble for the country. We need peace and we should all do our best to keep it,” she said.
May God Bless Her
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