Monday, June 5, 2017

Ex-wife of former Liberian President Charles Taylor Denies Torture Offences!

Agnes Reeves Tayloe, 51 at Westminster Magistrates Court, London

Agnes Reeves Taylor, 51, ex wife of convicted war criminal former president of Liberia Charles Taylor was arrested by the Metropolitan Police's, in east London on Thursday over called crimes committed during Liberian civil war between 1989-1991.

Agnes Reeves Taylor, of Kitchener Road, Dagenham, east London, was charged on Friday with four torture offences, a Scotland Yard spokesman said. Wearing a grey top under a black blazer, she stood in the dock and confirmed her name, age and address at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Saturday morning. She denies any and all involvement, the court heard, and shook her head repeatedly as Prosecutor Karen Jones read out a summary of the case and detailed the charges against her.

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